It's a short week at work - I'm in my office intermittently today and tomorrow and off for the rest of the week.
The parental units arrive from Miami tomorrow, complete with sweaters, gloves, and hats, I'm sure. This morning, it was 35 degrees out with the high only going up to 48. Tomorrow, it's predicted to be at freezing temperature the entire day.
I spent all day Saturday shopping and cleaning. I am happy to report there is an 18 pound turkey defrosting my fridge (nevermind there is no room for anything else) and that my house is spotless. I wonder how long it will stay that way?
And since it's the beginning of the holiday season, Mike and I celebrated by going to see the new 007 movie yesterday afternoon. I think I like Daniel Craig as the new Bond. He's not terribly handsome, but he sort of has that rugged look to him. And his body? To. Die. For.
Spotless house? I'm jealous.
FFG - It was spotless and now that my mother has visited, it's even more spotless (if you can even consider that!).
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