Wednesday, October 03, 2007

FeeNo Wants Out!

How did it get to be October already? Holy moly!

My parents arrive tomorrow. Together, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of FeeNo. I tell you, it's going to be like an I Love Lucy episode, where everything is rehearsed and then, someone will totally freak out about the entire situation. Of course, this will only happen if I actually go into labor, and I might, since FeeNo's head is way down, ready to come out.

Not much going on otherwise. I saw the doctor today and the countdown to FeeNo has started - 16 days until my scheduled c-section. Things are looking very good - the doc even joked that I am no longer a high risk pregnancy.

I didn't have a growth ultrasound today, so I don't know how much FeeNo weighs today. I suspect the weight is at about six pounds, since I seem to have put on FOUR POUNDS in a week. FOUR POUNDS!

Oh well, what can you do?

I'm so excited, I don't even care.

Here is a clip of what could possibly happen in the next few days with Mike and my parents. Enjoy!


Freckle Face Girl said...

16 days? I must admit that I wish I was that close.

Courtney Stanz said...

I'm too EXCITED to sleep!!!! Can't wait to see you. And I can't wait to meet Feeno who has already shown quite a little personality!