Sunday, August 08, 2010

Summer’s Flying By

We’ve been so busy, it’s hard to blog.  I’m back at work, my parents have been visiting, and we’re just going all the time, it seems.

I managed to snap a picture the other day as Patrick was going for a walk with his Abu:


1 comment:

SimoneladybugKnits said...

I haven't kept up in the blogosphere for a while but when i do start reading my usual blogs i always check yours. Nin~a ese bebe esta grandisimo. He's beautiful. Just like my baby who is huge and she's not even 1 1/2 yr. Long time ago I think we found each other in flickr and that's where I constantly upload photos in case you wanna see photos of my beba. I'll send you a msg there so you'll know it's me :)