Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Once Again, I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by the lovely and talented Freckle Face Girl once again. Here goes:

Alphabet Tag

A- Available or single? Neither
B- Best Friend? acb and Mikey
C- Cake or Pie? vanilaa cake with chocolate icing
D- Drink of Choice? diet Sunkist or water
E- Essential Item? perfume
F- Favorite Color? blue
G- Gummi Bears or Worms? sour worms
H- Hometown? Miami, Florida, where all the bass sounds were created (yes, I'm a dork that knows the lyrics to Ice, Ice Baby)
I- Indulgence? - ice cream
J- January or February? February
K- Kids and names? None, yet
L- Life is incomplete without? laughter
M- Marriage Date? July 1
N- Number of Siblings?1
O- Oranges or apples? apples
P- Phobias/Fears? being trapped in a cave
Q- Favorite Quote? "A well-behaved woman rarely makes history"
R- Reason to Smile? watching little kids playing
S- Season? fall
T- Tag three people! acb, Courtney, and Gary
U- Unknown Fact about Me! I have never had my wisdom teeth removed
V- Vegetable you hate? beets
W- Worst habit? picking at my cuticles
X- X-Rays you've had? only my teeth
Y- Your favorite food? Thanksgiving dinner
Z- Zodiac? Pisces

1 comment:

Freckle Face Girl said...

I like your favorite quote...I have never heard it before.