Monday, September 26, 2011

Celebrating Our Culture - Close to Home

A few months ago, my friend Marta from My Big Fat Cuban Family had an online contest and I entered.  She wanted comments on how it was when people left Cuba.  Since I don't have my own personal story, I told that of my parents.  I didn't win her contest.  But I won something greater.

Marta wanted to take all the comments, and have her readers expand their stories, add photos.  She would start a feature on her blog.  She was serious, and because she's Marta, Cuban cook extraordinaire, wonderfully happy and joyful, many people responded.  Including myself.

My parents' story was featured awhile back, but I wanted to post a link here to it, as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy paying homage to my parents.

My Parents' Story

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful touching story - I can see why you are so proud of your family :)