Thursday, March 01, 2007

Weekend in Pictures

I think I've used that post title before as a copout to writing something lengthy and meaningful. Guess what? I'm doing it again.

Here, in no particular order, photos from our weekend in South Florida:

Turtles at Bal Harbour. My mother thought they were fake, so she threw pennies at them. They weren't fake afterall.

A glimpse of Emeril at his restaurant on South Beach. I'd like to think he cooked my dinner that night. He probably didn't.

The obligatory visit to the tios' house: Dad, Mike and Tio. We watched Scarface.


Freckle Face Girl said...

Emril was actually at the restaurant??? My hubby will cry, he loves that show.

Anonymous said...

Those guys would make a great "Wanted" bulletin.

Gary said...

A picture is worth a thousand words. Three pictures are worth three thousand words. :)